Past Recipients


We’re excited to share that we have awarded up to $120,500 in scholarships to 52 outstanding students for its 2021-2022 scholarship season. Applications were reviewed and student winners were selected based upon their academic achievement, financial need, and other eligibility requirements. The awards are made possible through funds established by generous sponsors.

Adan L. Perez
Adan L. PerezIdahoan Foods - IEF Recipient
Akaylia C. Davidson
Akaylia C. DavidsonSafeway - IEF Recipient
Alejandro R. Angarita
Alejandro R. AngaritaSugar Bowl Bakery - IEF Recipient
Alexa M. Pulver
Alexa M. PulverAlbertsons/Safeway - WAFC Recipient
Alexandra (Lexie) C. Miller
Alexandra (Lexie) C. MillerSafeway - IEF Recipient
Anderson K. Lam
Anderson K. LamGelson's Markets - CGA Recipient
Ashley D. Teclaw
Ashley D. TeclawAlbertsons Vons - Unknown
Barbara Pitterle
Barbara PitterleAlbertsons Companies - WAFC Recipient
Breanne Cox
Breanne CoxWinco Foods - CGA Recipient
Brianna M. Donnelly
Brianna M. DonnellyBarilla America - WAFC Recipient
Bryan M. Wolfe
Bryan M. WolfeSafeway - WAFC Recipient
Chista N. Esfahani
Chista N. EsfahaniSprouts Farmers Market - Recipient
Clayton T. Brandt
Clayton T. BrandtCostco Wholesale - CGA Recipient
Emilee Smith
Emilee SmithAlbertsons - IEF Recipient
Eric M. Huynh
Eric M. HuynhFood 4 Less - IEF Recipient
Erin K. Miller
Erin K. MillerKroger - Recipient
Ethan J. Brown
Ethan J. BrownStater Bros. - IEF Recipient
Francesco Simone
Francesco SimoneBarilla America - IEF Recipient
Frank J. Siva
Frank J. SivaSavemart Luck Stores - CGA Recipient
Grace E. Cox
Grace E. CoxRandalls - WAFC Recipient
Hailee Davidson
Hailee DavidsonThe Save Mart Companies - WAFC Recipient
Haley M. Bramante
Haley M. BramanteSprouts Farmers Market Recipient
Heather D. Deluca
Heather D. DelucaDreyer's Grand Ice Cream - IEF Recipient
Jackalyn E. Ballard
Jackalyn E. BallardRalphs - CGA Recipient
Joanna B. Ramos
Joanna B. RamosFood 4 Less - WAFC Recipient
Jordyn E. Ryan
Jordyn E. RyanStater Bros. - IEF Recipient
Kaili A. Fisher
Kaili A. FisherAlberstson - IEF Recipient
Kaleb N. Tesfai
Kaleb N. TesfaiVons - Unknown
Karla J. Ash
Karla J. AshGelson's Market - CGA Recipient
Kenneth Y. Chang
Kenneth Y. ChangVons - CGA Recipient
Kevin C. Fisher
Kevin C. FisherRalphs - CGA Recipient
Lance D. Vannoy
Lance D. VannoyPost Consumer Brands - CGA Recipient
Louden M. Miller
Louden M. MillerSafeway - Unknown
Macy V. Henson
Macy V. HensonPost Consumer Brands - IEF Recipient
Mayann Nuhn
Mayann NuhnCostco - WAFC Recipient
Megan A. Bausch
Megan A. BauschAlbertsons - IEF Recipient
Megan A. Zapp
Megan A. ZappFry's Food and Drug - Unknown
Melissa Garcia-Vallejo
Melissa Garcia-VallejoSafeway - IEF Recipient
Michael A. Gallegos
Michael A. GallegosStater Bros. - CGA Recipient
Michelle J. Safransky
Michelle J. SafranskyRalph's Company - CGA Recipient
Monica J. Deyski
Monica J. DeyskiRalph's Company - CGA Recipient
Monica M. Guirgus
Monica M. GuirgusStater Bros. - WAFC Recipient
Monika A. Lindgren
Monika A. LindgrenTom Thumb - WAFC Recipient
Mya N. Camacho-Hill
Mya N. Camacho-HillSprouts - IEF Recipient
Nicholas Lam
Nicholas LamGelson's - Unknown
Nolan M. Edwards
Nolan M. EdwardsStater Bros. - IEF Recipient
Patricia Espinoza
Patricia EspinozaFood 4 Less - WAFC Recipient
Peyton E. Baird
Peyton E. BairdUnilever - IEF Recipient
Sara N. Gibson
Sara N. GibsonGelsons - IEF Recipient
William B. Ramirez
William B. Ramirez King Soopers - Unknown
Zander G. Hill
Zander G. HillAlbertsons - WAFC Recipient
Zoe O. Parson
Zoe O. ParsonPost Consumer Brands - Unknown

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